Saturday 3 December 2016

Success Story

“The pain did not really impact my ability to work or enjoy life, but it gave me cause for concern, especially when I realized it was affecting my ability to see well”, said Mahima , a 44 year old banker from Mumbai, India. She was experiencing constant headache that initially she cured with over the counter medicines. But day by day headache was getting severe and gradually she also faced difficulty in reading.  I could hardly read anything especially my phone’s caller ID,” she complained. Soon Mahima visited her physician and explained her problems regarding the pain and her deteriorating vision.  Immediately physician advised to get an MRI done to rule out any irregularity or presence of tumor.  MRI revealed a pituitary tumor, 18 millimeters in diameter, a small bean shaped organ located at the base of the brain, behind the bridge of the nose in pituitary gland. Mahima got panicked with the news and requested the physician to discuss the case with her Aunt who also is a physician.  To her relief pituitary tumors, which accounts for 15 percent of all brain tumors, tend to be benign and are highly curable. The physician prescribed medication as he believed that  would shrink the brain tumor. Three months later, again a MRI was done &  to their shock medicines didn’t work to reduce the size of the tumor. Mahima was then advised to visit a neurosurgeon. So  Mahima’s Aunt spoke to her colleagues, each of the five physicians she spoke with,  recommended Dr. Sunil Kutty  as one of the most qualified & experienced Neurosurgeon In Mumbai. At first Mahima was reluctant to travel for her surgery. “But when I studied Dr. Kutty’s credentials, I knew he was the right person to carry out the surgery,” Mahima said. The following week, Mahima underwent surgery. Dr. Kutty approached the tumor through Mahima’s nose, making no incision. While looking through a microscope, he manipulated small instruments through an endoscope and removed the tumor. While Mahima was still asleep in the operating room, intra operative MRI equipment was used to acquire a brain scan and confirm that the tumor has been entirely removed. The operation took less than two hours. Mahima also said her recovery was so fast that, “If my nose was not sore and I didn’t feel any pain at the roof of my mouth, I would doubt that the surgery actually happened.   Dr. Kutty showed me the MRI that had been taken while I was asleep, so I knew it was true. I got the relief I had long hoped for. Mahima now is once again living without pain and reading with ease.

*Name of the patient have been changed to protect the privacy of the individual.

Friday 2 December 2016

10 Mins break can save you from neck pain..

Today everybody has a hectic schedule and they often neglect their health . A large number of people have job  which requires them to sit in one position for hours together. It is noticed that people  with such kind of a job tend to have serious neck pain. This is caused due to the tension put onto the backbone.  Here we suggest you certain neck exercises that can be done any time of the day & at any place.  Take a 10 mins break and give yourself a quick revive . If you feel  any strange pain visit Brainchild Speciality.